This time I ventured out to counterpunch mainly because I liked the name, but was not disappointed after seeing the different adequate blogs going on inside the site. I followed my initial blog concerning the mini scuffle in Libya by reading Mr. George kazolias blog. His blog consisted of a lot of informative history of all the opponents in this current scuffle, and I already knew that the oil and money was the major issue because what else can we fight about? So reading and realizing that that George is obviously against the USA being involved it made a little sense being that we are aiding a select few that were pretty much never concerned with us and instead working together to supply each other with arms and money in elections such as the alleged money given to Sarkozy from Libya in the 2007 election, and the British prime minister Blair selling arms to Qadaffi. This post may be biased but then maybe not because George stated that he did not like Qadaffi and that the feeling was mutual resulting in several lost attempts of George trying to get a visa to report, after stating that they did not like each other he still is yelling that the US get involved. Plain and simple George saw that there are unfaithful people involved in the fight so the US would not really be able to decipher if we were aiding someone that actually cared about the US. Personally I disagree and believe that the US should interfere because we as a nation are supposed to stop people like Qadaffi and in many cases we have sat and observed resulting in no action, but many lives that could have been spared. However the way I see it is similar to George’s in the sense of we could be interfering in a game that involves opponents wearing the same color jerseys. It’s just like a couple of long time friends that let a girl/boy come in between them and then they go at each other, sometimes they realize after some damage is done and stop and sometimes its till the death.
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